Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Birr to Athlone - Saturday 18th April

Wow, blue skies and sunshine as I leave Birr. My joy is short lived however as I develop a migraine after approximately ten miles. But as if by magic an Irish Waterways worker stops and offers me a cup of tea. Having discussed the workings of the Irish waterways, rested my weary legs and cured my headache it's back on the road.

Feeling better and with the sun shining sixteen miles down the road I happen accross a bed and breakfast.

So here I sit with sore knees and blisters on my blisters but happy with the distance travelled today and the weather forecast tomorrow.

Thanks to the Grennan family, owners of the Four Seasons Bed & Breakfast, for their €5.00 donation.

Tomorrow off to Longford...

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