Friday 17 April 2009

Limerick to Nenagh - Thursday 16th April

For a number of reasons today was the hardest day yet. Firstly I encountered the worst roads to date on my trip, at one point finding myself rolling to a halt in a inch of mud and cow muck. Lovely!

Secondly for those of you who went to Goodwood last year, remember that headwind?
Well it paid me a visit today, wasn't that nice of it!!!!

Finally my legs and feet have suffered today, the heel of my left foot blistering and my right achilles was very painful, hurting with every push.

I now know I will have aches and pains every day of my trip, just the location changing day by day.

That said I was happy with the distance I covered, and the weather forecast is better for tomorrow.

I also had my board cleaned at the local car wash, you have to show your board some love now and then.

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