Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Killashandra to Clones - Tuesday 21st April

Today was a dry, wet, dry day, the roads were good in the morning. In the afternoon however they took a turn for the worse, as did my luck. By about 3.00pm the 'heavy' Irish roads had taken their tole and the bearings of one of my rear wheels had disintegrated locking the wheel up.

Having carried my board into Clones I contacted my Aunt and Uncle who drove from Co.Armagh and picked me up. I will need to take a day out to get replacement bearings from Belfast. The silver lining is that my feet and legs are glad of the day off and a chance to see 98 year old Granny Smyth.

Hopefully this gives an indication of just how rough the roads have been on my journey.

A huge THANK YOU has to go to my Aunt Betty and Uncle Alan for their help, without them I'm not sure how I could have continued.

Thanks also to Pauline, my boss, for allowing me to extend my holiday by a day (I will complete a holiday form on Tuesday).

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